Privacy Policy

Last updated: March, 2024

We at the Ehime Prefecture Official Website (hereafter, Ehime Prefecture) believe it is our obligation to protect customer information privacy, security and settings, and copyrights.

Personal Information Policy

1. Any information regarding an individual that Ehime Prefecture has acquired through online inquires, applications, e-mail, or telephone that may be used to identify the individual (hereafter, personal information) shall be handled in the following manner.
2. Any information that may identify an individual is defined as personal information, including name, address, telephone number, email address and such.
3. In any situation where Ehime Prefecture requests personal information, it shall be made explicitly clear for what purpose said personal information is being requested, and only personal information within the scope of expressed purpose shall be acquired.
4. Ehime Prefecture shall take appropriate measures for the proper use of, and to prevent the leakage, falsification, misuse, illegal access, breach of security of personal information.
5. Ehime Prefecture shall not provide the acquired personal information to a third party, except in the following cases:
a. An official written request for disclosure from a party with a legal right to request disclosure.
b. With the explicit consent of the individual concerned.
6. In the case of a request for disclosure or correction of personal information by an individual, Ehime Prefecture shall only comply after verifying the individual through specified methods.
7. Ehime Prefecture shall comply with laws, ordinances, national guidelines and regulations regarding personal information protection, and strive to adhere to future changes.


All information that is posted on the Ehime Prefecture Official Website (text, photographs, images, etc.) are protected by the Copyrights Law. Any unauthorized copying, reproduction, and sales are strictly forbidden except in cases stated by the Copyrights Law.


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1. Use the Top Page address when posting links (
2. Explicitly specify that the link goes to the Ehime Prefecture Official Website.